$0 Down Solar
Save Money
25-Year Warranty
We provide you with financing
so you don't have to pay one penny
to get started.
Pay 30-50% less for electricity. On average, our customers save $1,800 annually.
Get a 25-year full system warranty for your system for long-term peace of mind.

It's no secret that switching
to solar benefits the
planet and its residents!
Go Green
Solar energy is a cost-efficient and eco-friendly power source. The energy harvested from your roof is clean, safe, and simple. Going solar gives your family immediate cost savings, and benefits the environment, too. With technology use increasing, and power consumption at an all-time high, energy costs are constantly on the rise. Invest in your energy future now. It’s the perfect time to switch to solar.
More About Us!
Utah Clean Power is a leader in the residential solar industry. Utah Clean Power connects homeowners with future energy solutions today. Simple Energy isn’t a tagline, it's core to company philosophy. Working with industry experts from sunrise to sunset, Utah Clean Power exceeds industry standards for installation time, quality, and customer relations. Utah Clean Power has established local professionals who work with customers in their community helping them find the right solar solution. Located in Orange County with operations throughout the state, Utah Clean Power is making solar a reality with: cost, installation, and simplicity.

With Utah Clean Power as your energy company, you will immediately see savings on your energy bill. On average, our customers save over $1,800 a year.
And Utah Clean Power has made making the switch easy. We have the fastest installation times in the industry. We care about the customer experience and aim to create a personalized, professional experience for you. We will give you thorough instructions on your home’s solar power station, and make every step of the process swift and smooth. All you have to do is flip the switch.
*Our customers average $1,800 in savings each year.
Happy switching to solar with Utah Clean Power? Tell a friend (or five) and collect $300 on each person who gets a solar installation with us.
(Pending a completed install.)